10 - 12 June, 2025
| Paris
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All healthcare is local, just ask our communities

Whether by region or by topic, joining a community brings special access to leaders, knowledge – and a group as passionate about health as you are.

Communities are made up of HIMSS members. Get a complimentary HIMSS individual membership with your 2025 HIMSS Europe registration – and meet your community at the conference!

Communities by region


D-A-CH Community

Dedicated to helping stakeholders from Austria, Germany and Switzerland network and share information and knowledge with other German speakers.

Dutch Community

Ensures that Dutch stakeholders knowledge sharing grows as technology and innovation continue to advance. 

French Community

Offering useful market insights on the status quo, pain points, trends and national eHealth priorities in the regions of France, Belgium and Switzerland, among others.


Iberian Community

Promoting healthcare innovation and digital transformation in Spain and Portugal aligned with European countries. Fostering collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, and other stakeholders.

Italian Community

An exchange platform for all those who aspire to make the Italian healthcare system better, through the application of digital solutions.

Middle East Community

Mobilizing, supporting, and connecting professionals from Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, and others.


Nordic Community

Aims to promote and nurture collaboration among the five Nordic countries to help support an integrated health system at the regional level. The community has been instrumental in creating momentum in the Nordics to step up as a region in terms of interoperability.

UK & Ireland Community

Unites healthcare stakeholders from the region, providing them with a suite of tools and knowledge to drive what’s next for health.

Turkish Community

Provides its members access to a national and international network of digital health leaders, ensuring they stay up to date on the latest digital innovations in the health field. 

Communities by topic


Nursing Informatics Community

Frontline leaders who combine the clinical and technical to innovate and promote improved patient outcomes and optimized clinical workflows.

Virtual Care Community

A collective of dedicated experts who provide expertise, leadership and guidance to virtual care activities, initiatives and collaborations.

Women in Health IT Community

Celebrating the ongoing commitment of women leaders in digital health, including a focus on advancing careers and inspiring all women in the profession. 

Grab the spotlight


European Projects Pavilion

Do you have an EU-funded project to share? Join other leading projects in a unique, dedicated pavilion designed to inspire collaboration.

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HIMSS Community Engagement

In our communities, there’s always a seat at the table, including in Paris. Gain brand visibility in our community sessions with a seat on a panel or a 5-minute speaking slot.

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